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Religion v/s Spirituality – The truth of False Religion

God has blessed and encouraged me thoroughly by the ‘Word of the Week’ by Zac Poonen. I am publishing it as is here with due credit to him. Read and be blessed. WORD FOR THE WEEK 21 February 2010
Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India

The Essence of Babylon – From Man, Through Man And To Man

Zac Poonen

In Genesis 11:4 we read that the people of the world decided to build a tower. They said to each other, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city and a tower whose top would reach to heaven.” They wanted their tower to be the gate of God (Babel). Human effort to reach God is a major constituent of false religion. False religion is always a religion of works – and not one of faith and dependence on God. Continue Reading

Who can please God

A person who does not know God is like a lost person who does not know the reason of his existence at a given place on a given time. He just keeps living life as it comes. Majority of people in this lost world lives without knowing the light and do all sort of things without knowing the consequences.

Another group of people who exist in this world, are those, who truly believe in the existence of God but do not know who he is, they seek him. All religions in this world came into existence, because of this very reason. However, such people do what is right in their own sight. This same thing happened in the Old Testament times also. Continue Reading

A Believer’s journey
Prerna Singh

I had to visit Kuwait.

I had to catch a flight in the early morning with my husband and my infant son. Many preparations were done. Ticket were bought first, then getting up in the very early morning, packing bags, packing the food for the baby, standing in the queue for the check-in , passport control queues, taking care of the infant all throughout because he was running here and there at the airport, boarding the plane, plane take off, air pressure causing pain in the ears, sitting in the tight seats, though feeling sleepy yet not able to stretch, landing of the plane, bearing second installment of pain in the ears, tired etc. Continue Reading

The perfect mistake

I was amazed why God did not allow me to change the ‘Word of the week’ for two weeks. I intended to change, yet, when I asked for it, He did not provide His Word. Finally I chose to keep this page as is – thinking probably God has to make that message available to someone who really needed it.

Finally, He touched my heart with one very inspiring story from Email Ministry – ‘The perfect mistake’. I have been thoroughly blessed, so publishing it as is, with all due credit to the Email Ministry team.

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Are you Wrestler, boxer or a Soldier

The word ‘fight’ normally brings a bad picture in our minds. It would not give a good impression of the person who ‘fights’. The scene that quickly pops up in our mind immediately after hearing this term is of – exchange of heated arguments, obscene language, physical assault and some other things of such kinds. Continue Reading

Sin of Commission and Sin of Omission

Sin of Commission – doing something which God forbade and Sin of Omission – not doing something which God demanded

While I was meditating on the Word of God once, I experienced a thought banging my mind – how should I categorize the sins.

‘Big and Small sins’, ‘Exposed and hidden sins’ or ‘Acceptable and abominable sins’ and many more categories passed through my mind in which I could categorize them. Usually, the most soothing classification to our conscious is ‘big and small sins’ as we normally do classify them for ourselves for the ease of living. Though it is much easier to handle, it is not biblical. There are no sins which are small in God’s eyes, SIN IS SIN. Continue Reading

Make God your Lord

For last couple of weeks, we are charged up with so many exciting things happening. Brother Anilkant from Mumbai visited us for a worship event – YESHU BHAKTI SANDHYA. Lovely man of God with humility and joy of the Lord in him and anointed with awesome gift of engaging people in worship using his music and singing talent. This was a time of learning and sheer excitement as we worshipped our Lord in joy with dancing and singing.

As he left, pastor uncle (Peter Kuruvilla) joined us and the blessings have continued to flow. We heard his testimony of coming in faith from Catholic background and then how God has trained him for his service during his youth through his submission and suffering. This was an encouragement to our young lives.

However, One thing what God was talking through both of them was – Make God your Lord in every way! Continue Reading

How To Read The Bible For Better Understanding

I have written few books and I am sure I am the best person who can explain every single word and sentence that I have written in my books. Bible is written by the Holy Spirit of God through human hands who were inspired to write what God wanted, who can be a better teacher than God himself to teach us what he wrote and what he meant.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

– 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible is not a mere book (or collection of spiritual books) but its a living word – the Word of God, its own best teacher. The Bible however is not arranged like an encyclopedia. You cannot go to chapter 1 and read everything about God and go to chapter 2 to read everything about Jesus, etc. Remember when reading the Bible the verses and chapter breaks are placed in the scriptures by man. It is better to read by paragraph, these too are man-made but they do conform better to the original language than verses. Some ground rules need to be set up first: Continue Reading