City on the hill

During one of my recent travels to Uttaranchal, I visited Hrishikesh for a prayer walk with Shishye Thompson. As we were traveling on the meandering roads of this hilly region, I saw many houses built on the hills, mostly painted in white color but some in other colors too. The houses with other colors were camouflaged with the mountains and trees in the background. It was difficult to see them clearly, they just looked lost.

Immediately, I was reminded of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ –

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

(Matthew 5:14)

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How To Read The Bible For Better Understanding

I have written few books and I am sure I am the best person who can explain every single word and sentence that I have written in my books. Bible is written by the Holy Spirit of God through human hands who were inspired to write what God wanted, who can be a better teacher than God himself to teach us what he wrote and what he meant.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

– 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible is not a mere book (or collection of spiritual books) but its a living word – the Word of God, its own best teacher. The Bible however is not arranged like an encyclopedia. You cannot go to chapter 1 and read everything about God and go to chapter 2 to read everything about Jesus, etc. Remember when reading the Bible the verses and chapter breaks are placed in the scriptures by man. It is better to read by paragraph, these too are man-made but they do conform better to the original language than verses. Some ground rules need to be set up first: Continue Reading

Is Bible truly the Word of God

Is Bible truly the Word of real God or is it just a book written by human beings – this is a very interesting and thought provoking question; and probably one of the most important questions which anyone can ask the followers of Christ:Is Bible truly the Word of real God or is it just a book written by human beings – this is a very interesting and thought provoking question; and probably one of the most important questions which anyone can ask the followers of Christ.

What is so special, so unique about the Bible that we should consider it as the Word of God? Is Bible truly the Word of God, the authoritative instruction manual from creator God to guide us in right way and attitude of living our lives?What is so special, so unique about the Bible that we should consider it as the Word of God? Is Bible truly the Word of God, the authoritative instruction manual from creator God to guide us in right way and attitude of living our lives?

It is very easy to believe it by faith. Yes! But it is equally difficult to prove it unless we know the facts, especially when people demand reasoning for our faith.

I believe Bible is the true and only Word of God given to us to express the will, purpose and ways of God to the human race (irrespective of our caste, creed and religion). Whether you are born in a Hindu, Muslim, Catholic or a Christian family, you must know the following: Continue Reading

Satyamev Jayate
सत्यमेव जयते

सत्यमेव जयते – अर्थात सत्य की सदा जीत होती है। हम इस बात पर विश्वास करते हैं और इसी कारण बहुत से त्योंहार मनाते हैं। कुछ त्योंहारों में हम परस्पर असत्य पर सत्य की विजय को प्रतिबिंबित करते हैं और इसीलिये उत्सव में शामिल होते हैं। हम आनंद मनाते हैं और उससे जुड़े कई तरह के रीतिरिवाज भी पूरे करते हैं। सच तो यह है कि हम चाहते तो हैं कि सत्य की ही अंत में जीत होनी चाहिये, परंतु सत्य से ही अनजान हैं।

मेरा मानना है कि सामान्यतया मनुष्य की रुचि सत्य में ही होती है। झूठ को कोई सुनना पसंद नहीं करता। हाँ, यह बात और है कि यदाकदा स्वार्थवश हम झूठ बोल देते हैं। उदाहरणतया, जो लोग ज्योतिषियों के पास जाते हैं क्या वे अपने भविष्य का सत्य जानना नहीं चाहते हैं। कौन उनसे झूठ सुनने के लिये जाता है? अपने बच्चे से कोई झूठ सुनना पसंद नहीं करता; गलती भी हो जाये और बच्चा सच बोले तो संभव है कि मार से बच जाये परंतु झूठ बोले और पता चल जाये कि झूठ है तो जो हाथ में आये उससे पिटाई करने में माँ-बाप पीछे नहीं हटते। पुलिस वाले सच उगलवाने के लिये क्या क्या नहीं करते? यदि आपको पता चल जाये की सामने वाले झूठ बोल रहा है तो क्या आपकी रूचि उसकी बात में रहती है? कई लोग कहते हैं कि किसी की भलाई के लिये बोला गया झूठ ‘झूठ’ नहीं होता। यह सुनने में तो अच्छा है लेकिन अपने आप में असत्य बात है। कुल मिलाकर हम झूठ पसंद नहीं करते, परंतु जो शाश्वत जीवन का सत्य है उससे अनजान बैठे रहते हैं, उसे खोजते नहीं, और मिथ्या संसार में मन लगाये रहते हैं।

सत्य है क्या ?

हमें विचार करने की आवश्यकता है कि क्या सत्य वो है जो हम सुनना चाहते हैं, या वो है जो हमने बचपन से सीखा है। क्या विज्ञान ही सत्य है या फिर सत्य वो है जो मनुष्य के तत्वज्ञान से सिखाया गया है और या फिर वो जिसकी खोज में ऋषि-मुनि सदियों से जंगलों में जीवन बिताते रहे हैं और फिर भी जब नहीं पाया तो ईश्वर से यही प्रार्थना करने लगे कि हे ईश्वर हमें असत्य से सत्य, अंधकार से प्रकाश तथा मृत्यु से जीवन की ओर ले चल। संसार की बातें तो एक दिन खत्म हो जायेंगी लेकिन कभी खत्म ना होने वाला सत्य क्या है। कुछ शब्दों में, ईश्वर से जो मैंने सीखा है, मैं आपको वह सच्चाई बताने का प्रयास करता हूँ। Continue Reading

Family who saw a miracle

They say, ” Lord shine, wonder, beautiful miracle, my Lord !!!”

Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am glad that you are reading this page. May God bless you as you read on, I have prayed for you. I am joyful that you wish to know more about me, but I will tell you, what God has done for me.

I belong to a Marathi hindu family. I was the first person in my family who was saved. In the month of May in 1998, I set myself on fire due to some personal/emotional reasons (and compelled by some unknown black-magic power). Though I came to realization soon and tried to save myself, yet I was half burnt. I was actually almost dead (100%), but our neighbor (building-mate), who was a believer, prayed for me along with her church members for my life. And I survived. Soon after their prayers, I opened my eyes – I was alive. But we did not believe in Jesus. Continue Reading