
Problems and difficulties are part and parcel of life. Are you dismayed with your sickness or failure or some evil power. We have a good news for you. God loves you and wants to deliver you. God is able to transform lives, heal the sick, forgive sins and give us eternal life. Read the real stories of life transformation, salvation, healing of fatal sicknesses and God’s loving protection for his children.

Is there anything too difficult for the Lord. Nope!

Things which are impossible by human ways, things which natural phenomenon cannot explain, do happen, when God intends. God is the creator and for whom, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Believe in him, understand his love, start a fresh relationship with him today. Learn below in different categories, how God has healed the sick, delivered people from bondage, life is transformed, people met God in unexpected places and unexpected circumstances, cancers are healed, demons are casted out.

Yes indeed, all things are possible for our creator. Believe in him.

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