Respected sins

Negative words, distrusting God, misconduct

These days God is talking to us about sins. On of the things which can hinder our prayers from being heard by God is sin as Bible says in Isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2 that the hand of the Lord is not short that he cannot save nor He is deaf that he cannot hear but its our unrighteousness and sins that turns his face in such a way that He cannot hear. Yes ! There are certain things that GOD CANNOT DO – He cannot sin and He cannot tolerate sin.

Yet many times in our lives, we keep some sins in our lives. I want to remind you of one verse in the Bible:

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.  – [Hebrews 13:8] Continue Reading

Count yourself dead


When my wife pointed out my very common mistake of spilling the liquids or dropping the things (unintentionally though), I started feeling as if she was nitpicking. Usually I just ignored but this one fine day, I just got irritated and got angry.

Is this how born again believers of Jesus Christ supposed to live?

Jesus taught a principal in John 12:24 that except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit. We need to die to our flesh, fleshly desires and this world. Continue Reading

Love God with all your heart, soul and mind

Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment…

[Matthew 22:37]

What is so special about this verse? What is it really telling us and what does it really mean to love God with heart, soul and mind?

In short, heart expresses our ’emotions’, soul represents our ‘will’ and mind — obviously our logical thoughts which takes decision – our ‘mind’ !!!

So what? What is the role of these three in our devotion to our Lord? Continue Reading

You are the author

For 2 weeks, once again I was asking God to give me a message for this place. I think more than seeking the will of God, I was bothered about filling this space and therefore I received

Now today, while meditating upon the word ‘jeevan’ (in hindi, which means ‘life’, I was amazed at this one thought. Let’s consider our whole life as a book called LIFE and every day we spend as a page of this book. Each one of us has his own book and every individual is busy writing it everyday, every moment whether realizing it or not.

This God given book is currently being authored by us – by you and by me. Every thought we have is being written, every motive that we make is written, every word that we speak is registered,  every emotion which we harbour is captured, every activity that we do is recorded. Every day of our life is one page and is recorded exactly how we lived it. Continue Reading

Good motive wrong doings

You might need to do a good reading of the Bible this time to understand this article. I am reading 1 Samuel  for my personal morning devotion. God spoke to me from the life of king Saul about how we sometimes even as wholehearted ‘Believers’ fall in the trap of good motives but wrong doings.

While reading chapter 15 of 1 Samuel, I started realizing the mistake what king Saul did. It would not be a mistake to say that we also commit the same mistake very often. On the meditation of the scriptures in this chapter, one thing became very evident – God is not as much interested in our offerings, actions and activities but our attitude of surrender, praise-worship and obedience. Continue Reading

Religion v/s Spirituality – The truth of False Religion

God has blessed and encouraged me thoroughly by the ‘Word of the Week’ by Zac Poonen. I am publishing it as is here with due credit to him. Read and be blessed. WORD FOR THE WEEK 21 February 2010
Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India

The Essence of Babylon – From Man, Through Man And To Man

Zac Poonen

In Genesis 11:4 we read that the people of the world decided to build a tower. They said to each other, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city and a tower whose top would reach to heaven.” They wanted their tower to be the gate of God (Babel). Human effort to reach God is a major constituent of false religion. False religion is always a religion of works – and not one of faith and dependence on God. Continue Reading

Hope beyond all reasoning


Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.

[1 Peter 4:12]

Believers or non-believers, all face challenges in their lives. What is the hope for a believing and a professing Christian to go through these pains, challenges, sufferings and hopelessness? Yes! We do have a hope! Jesus comforted his disciples by saying that in this world, you will have trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, because I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Even if we go through the difficult situations of our lives, our God is with us. We have put our faith in a true and living God, who keeps his word when he says, I shall be with you till the ends of the ages. Continue Reading

Who can please God

A person who does not know God is like a lost person who does not know the reason of his existence at a given place on a given time. He just keeps living life as it comes. Majority of people in this lost world lives without knowing the light and do all sort of things without knowing the consequences.

Another group of people who exist in this world, are those, who truly believe in the existence of God but do not know who he is, they seek him. All religions in this world came into existence, because of this very reason. However, such people do what is right in their own sight. This same thing happened in the Old Testament times also. Continue Reading

A Believer’s journey
Prerna Singh

I had to visit Kuwait.

I had to catch a flight in the early morning with my husband and my infant son. Many preparations were done. Ticket were bought first, then getting up in the very early morning, packing bags, packing the food for the baby, standing in the queue for the check-in , passport control queues, taking care of the infant all throughout because he was running here and there at the airport, boarding the plane, plane take off, air pressure causing pain in the ears, sitting in the tight seats, though feeling sleepy yet not able to stretch, landing of the plane, bearing second installment of pain in the ears, tired etc. Continue Reading