Love God with all your heart, soul and mind

Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment…

[Matthew 22:37]

What is so special about this verse? What is it really telling us and what does it really mean to love God with heart, soul and mind?

In short, heart expresses our ’emotions’, soul represents our ‘will’ and mind — obviously our logical thoughts which takes decision – our ‘mind’ !!!

So what? What is the role of these three in our devotion to our Lord? Continue Reading

Blood cancer is healed – Jesus heals | Shubhang

Praise the lord!

My name is Lalit khanchandani. I belong to a Sindhi (Hindu) family. I currently reside in Dubai. By God’s grace, I have got this opportunity to give this testimony on our son Shubhang’s behalf. Hereunder, I will narrate to you how God has given second life to our son.

Our son, Shubhang was diagnosed with BLOOD CANCER (Leukemia) when he was 4 year old. It was a shocking moment for us. We desperately went to Mumbai for his treatment where he took chemotherapy for 8 months. We came back to Dubai after taking initial treatment to continue further treatment from Dubai hospital. Continue Reading