Hope beyond all reasoning


Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.

[1 Peter 4:12]

Believers or non-believers, all face challenges in their lives. What is the hope for a believing and a professing Christian to go through these pains, challenges, sufferings and hopelessness? Yes! We do have a hope! Jesus comforted his disciples by saying that in this world, you will have trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, because I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Even if we go through the difficult situations of our lives, our God is with us. We have put our faith in a true and living God, who keeps his word when he says, I shall be with you till the ends of the ages. Continue Reading

How to pray that God hears

From my book Encounter with Life

When it comes to the prayer, a general opinion is that God may or may not hear our prayer and that it is God’s prerogative to answer or not to answer. This may be partially true but definitely this is not the whole truth.

Remember, He is a just God and will not lie or cheat or break His promise or turn from His own Word. He does not back-off from his word. God has expressed his attitude and character in the Bible. Continue Reading