Who can please God

A person who does not know God is like a lost person who does not know the reason of his existence at a given place on a given time. He just keeps living life as it comes. Majority of people in this lost world lives without knowing the light and do all sort of things without knowing the consequences.

Another group of people who exist in this world, are those, who truly believe in the existence of God but do not know who he is, they seek him. All religions in this world came into existence, because of this very reason. However, such people do what is right in their own sight. This same thing happened in the Old Testament times also. Continue Reading

City on the hill

During one of my recent travels to Uttaranchal, I visited Hrishikesh for a prayer walk with Shishye Thompson. As we were traveling on the meandering roads of this hilly region, I saw many houses built on the hills, mostly painted in white color but some in other colors too. The houses with other colors were camouflaged with the mountains and trees in the background. It was difficult to see them clearly, they just looked lost.

Immediately, I was reminded of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ –

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

(Matthew 5:14)

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What about our festivals?


What about festivals? Can we not celebrate our religious festivals?

I feel this is a subjective question and must be dealt case by case. Instead of proposing a solution here, I would rather tell you the framework, base on which you can understand how we should deal with such situation.

Primarily I feel celebrate and not celebrate should not be our question. We must ask ourselves, why do we want to celebrate or why this festival is being celebrated. Once you see the reason behind it, probably you will automatically cease celebrating it without my explaining.

However, if you are genuinely looking for a solution, follow this principle –

“Refrain from all such activities which do not give glory to the true and living God.”

You may enjoy the fellowship with your family and other relatives though. Completely alienating ourselves from rest of the family, friends and society at large is not the teaching of the Bible and it does not make us good witness of His love too. Continue Reading